1. Who are the Division 8 Masons?
In California, each lodge is a member of a district and each district is a member of a division. The Division 8 Masons are lodge members of the lodges in divison 8.
2. Do only the Division 8 lodges participate?
No we have help from other lodges outside our Division that support the cause as well. We also openly invite any lodge to participate in our events and to be part of the team.
3. I read "Worshipful" somewhere… are you a religion?
No Freemasonry is a fraternity of like minded people who wish to better themselves and their communities. The term "Worshipful" is an old english term meaning "worthy of respect."
4. How can I help?
You can help in various ways. You could donate money or a vehicle, volunteer to help with our events, write an article, or tell us what you are doing to help your community. Any help is appreciated. Please refer to the www.freemason.org to help.